Recent Mold Remediation Posts

What to Do If You Discover a Mold Infestation | SERVPRO of Renton

6/22/2024 (Permalink)

Woman talking on phone and looking at affected mold wall in kitchen. When a mold invasion happens to your home, SERVPRO of Renton is Here to Help®. Give us a call today!

No one wants to think of the possibility that mold could be growing somewhere in their home. It can be a danger to your family as well as just a little gross. Unfortunately, mold can grow quickly in the right environment and can take over entire sections of your home for many days until the issue is uncovered.

If you discover mold, your first reaction might be to grab your cleaning supplies and handle it yourself. Don’t do that! SERVPRO of Renton is here to handle your entire mold mitigation process with safety and confidence in mind.

Why Does Mold Grow in Homes? 

Did you know that mold is everywhere? The microscopic spores float around inside and outside your home and can easily settle into areas of your home that are ideal for mold colonies to grow.

Dark and damp spaces are a mold colony’s dream! Basements, attics and bathrooms are often the spaces that we see mold infestations, but they can also happen in an area where you experienced a water leak that was never fully dried out. Once the mold spores settle into the area, it can grow quickly and lead to a full infestation in just a few days. 

Responding to a Mold Discovery 

Mold often starts to grow without showing any signs right away, but it will eventually start to smell as it grows. It often has a musty or earthy odor and it can be really strong once the colony starts to spread. 

If you follow your nose and track down the source, don’t be surprised if the mold doesn’t look like you thought it would! Mold can be any color of the rainbow and have a variety of textures, so use caution around whatever you find. 

Different mold types can be dangerous or even toxic to inhale, so don’t touch whatever you find! Handling mold can release spores into the air that can be easily inhaled. Back away and call SERVPRO® instead so we can get right to work for you.

Our Mold Mitigation Process

Our first goal when we arrive is to contain the area to prevent the spread. We will seal off the room, shut vents and turn off your HVAC system if necessary. 

Then we will filter the air to remove airborne spores. Next, it’s time to tackle the visible mold. We will clean up the area and sanitize the entire space to make sure the mold will not be able to grow back. We can filter the air one more time and then we will be ready to tackle the next step, which are any repairs that are needed. 

Mold can be really destructive, and it can start to degrade your home the longer it sits. The moisture can affect your walls, floors and even structural supports, which can compromise the safety of your home. Our crew will address repairs quickly and efficiently to make sure your home makes a complete recovery from your stubborn mold infestation.

Let a professional handle any mold infestations you discover. Contact SERVPRO of Renton today. 

The Reality of a Mold Infestation | SERVPRO of Renton

12/22/2023 (Permalink)

Black mold buildup in the corner of an old house. Has a mold buildup invaded your home? Call SERVPRO of Renton Today. We want to help!

Every home across the country is vulnerable to potential mold infestations, even if you think your home is always clean and never in any danger of moisture issues. Mold can be really persistent and grow when you least expect it.

If you do discover a mold infestation, chances are that you will react with disgust and immediately get to work to clean it up and remove it from your home. Unfortunately, it’s not that easy! Calling a mold remediation professional can ensure you make a complete recovery while everyone stays safe.

Facts About Mold

Mold spores are everywhere, both inside and outside your home. They are microscopic and float through the air constantly, getting in and out of your home through open windows and doors or through your HVAC system.

While it may be surprising to know that you most likely have mold spores in your home right now, it doesn’t mean that you will suffer from a mold infestation.

Mold has to be exposed to the right conditions for an infestation to occur. It loves to grow in dark, damp places, so spaces like your basement and attic are common locations for colonies to grow.

Mold can also have a variety of textures and colors, but it often all smells the same. If you catch a whiff of an earthy or musty odor in your home in a particular area, it’s time to start going on a hunt for mold.

Lowering Your Risk for Mold  

The key to a mold-free home is all about moisture control! If there is no excess moisture in your home, mold will have a lot harder time settling in and growing. Keep your fans circulating in high humidity areas like kitchens and bathrooms, and make sure the humidity levels in your home are under control. It is recommended to keep humidity between 30 to 50% for optimal comfort and minimal moisture troubles.

You also need to address water leaks quickly. The longer water sits in a place where it shouldn’t, the higher the risk that mold will start to grow in the area. Even just a few drops of water that get under your floor can linger and encourage a mold infestation just beneath your feet.

How We Take Care of the Mold
Some mold mitigation companies will claim that they can “remove the mold” for you, but unfortunately, that is a fallacy. Since mold spores are everywhere, you can’t completely remove mold from a space.

What you can do, however, is clean and sanitize the entire area to get rid of the infestation and ensure that it cannot grow back.

Our mold mitigation team will arrive quickly and start by containing the area. We will shut off fans, turn off your HVAC system and start filtering the air. We will also work on cleaning up and sanitizing the space with the proper safety gear and training. We can also employ our deodorizers at this time to help remove any lingering musty odors.

Finally, if the mold has been left to grow for a while, you may also be dealing with significant structural damage. Mold can slowly degrade floors and other structural supports, and this type of damage needs to be addressed right away so you can live comfortably and safely in your home. Our team can tackle all of this damage and more! Let us help you overcome a pesky mold infestation.

Don’t let a mold infestation take over your home! Call SERVPRO of Renton Central for a faster and more efficient recovery