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What to Do If You Discover a Mold Infestation | SERVPRO of Renton

6/22/2024 (Permalink)

Woman talking on phone and looking at affected mold wall in kitchen. When a mold invasion happens to your home, SERVPRO of Renton is Here to Help®. Give us a call today!

No one wants to think of the possibility that mold could be growing somewhere in their home. It can be a danger to your family as well as just a little gross. Unfortunately, mold can grow quickly in the right environment and can take over entire sections of your home for many days until the issue is uncovered.

If you discover mold, your first reaction might be to grab your cleaning supplies and handle it yourself. Don’t do that! SERVPRO of Renton is here to handle your entire mold mitigation process with safety and confidence in mind.

Why Does Mold Grow in Homes? 

Did you know that mold is everywhere? The microscopic spores float around inside and outside your home and can easily settle into areas of your home that are ideal for mold colonies to grow.

Dark and damp spaces are a mold colony’s dream! Basements, attics and bathrooms are often the spaces that we see mold infestations, but they can also happen in an area where you experienced a water leak that was never fully dried out. Once the mold spores settle into the area, it can grow quickly and lead to a full infestation in just a few days. 

Responding to a Mold Discovery 

Mold often starts to grow without showing any signs right away, but it will eventually start to smell as it grows. It often has a musty or earthy odor and it can be really strong once the colony starts to spread. 

If you follow your nose and track down the source, don’t be surprised if the mold doesn’t look like you thought it would! Mold can be any color of the rainbow and have a variety of textures, so use caution around whatever you find. 

Different mold types can be dangerous or even toxic to inhale, so don’t touch whatever you find! Handling mold can release spores into the air that can be easily inhaled. Back away and call SERVPRO® instead so we can get right to work for you.

Our Mold Mitigation Process

Our first goal when we arrive is to contain the area to prevent the spread. We will seal off the room, shut vents and turn off your HVAC system if necessary. 

Then we will filter the air to remove airborne spores. Next, it’s time to tackle the visible mold. We will clean up the area and sanitize the entire space to make sure the mold will not be able to grow back. We can filter the air one more time and then we will be ready to tackle the next step, which are any repairs that are needed. 

Mold can be really destructive, and it can start to degrade your home the longer it sits. The moisture can affect your walls, floors and even structural supports, which can compromise the safety of your home. Our crew will address repairs quickly and efficiently to make sure your home makes a complete recovery from your stubborn mold infestation.

Let a professional handle any mold infestations you discover. Contact SERVPRO of Renton today. 

Emergency Tips After Suffering a Water Disaster | SERVPRO of Renton

3/22/2024 (Permalink)

Flooded floor at home. When a water disaster strikes, SERVPRO of Renton is Here to Help®! Don’t hesitate to call us today.

Small water leaks are frustrating, but they can often be remedied with a quick clean up and maybe the tightening of a water line or replaced seal. Larger water leaks can be much harder to overcome just because of the sheer amount of water and the damage done to your home. 

Knowing what to do if you discover a large water disaster or if you come home to water raining down from your ceiling can help you stay calm and in control of the chaos. 

Safety First

One of the most important aspects of recovering after a water disaster is your safety. Depending on how large the flood or water leak is, your home’s structure could be compromised. 

As water sits on wood floors or seeps into your drywall, it can make these building materials soft or warp them out of their normal structure. Over time, that can make your floor unstable or supporting walls unreliable.

Electrical hazards also come into play when suffering a significant water disaster. Water can disrupt your electrical circuits and can actually cause a malfunction that charges the water itself. 

Walking through electrically charged water can be dangerous or even deadly. Try to stay in a dry location and observe from a safe spot. Slip-and-fall accidents can also end in painful injuries!

What to Do After Discovering the Leak 

The first thing you should do is focus on finding the source of the leak and getting that situation under control. If it was a burst water line or an issue with your plumbing, start turning off water valves until the flow of water stops. If the leak is happening because of roof damage during a storm, set out buckets to catch the water until the storm ends and you can investigate further.

Remove any fragile possessions at this time as well to protect them from suffering damage while we are in there working. You can also start pulling out your couches, chairs, upholstery and rugs to a dry location where they can begin to dry out themselves. 

What Not to Do After Discovering the Leak 

Don’t ignore it! Even small water disasters can lead to some pretty serious consequences the longer the water lingers on your floors. Taking action right away can help you avoid costly repairs and stubborn mold infestations

You should also never use electronics in the room while the water is still present. TVs or household appliances can create those electrical problems that we mentioned and can create a dangerous environment for all involved.

Instead, pick up the phone and call us! Our team will arrive quickly, and we will get started on securing your home and tackling the water extraction. Once your home is dry, we will get right to work repairing floors, walls and ceilings, and we will sanitize your space to make sure mold can’t grow. 

Discovered a water leak or disaster in your home? SERVPRO of Renton is Here to Help®

Cleaning Up After a Fire With Confidence | SERVPRO of Renton

12/22/2023 (Permalink)

house on fire, flames out windows, smoke Are you dealing with the devastating aftermath of a house fire? SERVPRO of Renton is here for the rescue. Call us today!

We are so grateful for the brave men and women of our local fire departments who confidently tackle house and commercial property fires. Suffering a house fire is perhaps one of the scariest experiences a homeowner can go through, so having a reliable team to put out your fire as quickly as possible can help you minimize damage.

After the fire is out, however, the fire trucks will drive away and you will be left to figure out what to do next. You call SERVPRO of Renton, of course! Our fire damage restoration team will tackle your restoration with confidence.

How Our Recovery Process Work

House fires are notorious for creating unstable and potentially unsafe conditions in your home, so it is always recommended to have your home professionally evaluated before going back inside. Our team will evaluate your home confidently and work on securing and boarding up your spaces so we can work inside safely. 

Once inside, we will get to work inspecting your property and get started on water removal and the drying process. We will also prioritize removing soot and smoke from all areas of your home. The larger the fire, the higher the chances that smoke odors have made their way into every room in your home—and they can linger for years if they aren’t properly addressed. 

Why SERVPRO Is the Restoration Team for You

Our team is uniquely aware of the frustrating and overwhelming emotions that accompany house fires, which is why we are so dedicated to working with our families from start to finish throughout the entire recovery process. We will walk you through each step and even handle communicating with your insurance company. It is our goal to minimize disruption as much as possible!

We are also a full-service construction company, which means that we will be able to help you recover faster and more efficiently no matter how extensive the damage is. Our crew can tear down walls or ruined parts of your home and build it back up to exactly the way it was before the fire. After your home has been cleaned and sanitized, we will work with you to create your building plans and get right to work. When we are through, you would never know that you suffered a house fire in the first place.

Suffered a house fire? SERVPRO of Renton can help you recover today. 

Responding to a Flooded House With Confidence | SERVPRO of Renton

12/22/2023 (Permalink)

modern interior of house flood Getting hit by a disastrous flood always happens when least expected. That’s why SERVPRO of Renton wants to help restore your home. Call now!

It doesn’t take much water to create chaos in your home. Floods come in all shapes and sizes, but each instance of water winding up where it shouldn’t can lead to serious home damage in just a few seconds.

Floods can happen due to heavy rain or from something simple like a malfunctioning washing machine, but each instance should be dealt with quickly to avoid worsening damage and further issues.

What to Do First
Suffering from a flood often elicits a feeling of helplessness as you watch water pour down your walls and onto your floors. If the flood is caused by a storm, there isn’t much you can do until the storm rolls on. Set out some buckets to catch any rain coming down from the ceiling and try to stay out of the water.

If the flood was caused by a malfunctioning appliance, find the appropriate water valve and shut it off to stop the flow of water. While you may not have been able to stop the current situation, you can prevent more water from flowing out onto your floor.

After that, step back and give us a call. Our team will start on your recovery right away, and we will ask you all sorts of questions to get a better idea of what happened. While you wait for us to arrive, you can certainly open some windows or run your fans to start the drying process.

What Happens When We Arrive

Our first goal for flooding situations is to get rid of the standing water. The longer water sits on your floor, the better the chance that it will eventually get behind your walls and cause structural issues and even stubborn mold infestations.

We come fully equipped with the equipment we need to dry up the water, and we will use our thermal imaging cameras to make sure there is no hidden moisture left behind.

Now we can focus on getting started on your repairs! Oftentimes, floods will cause your floors to warp, your drywall to become soggy and unstable and it can soak through your carpets and get into your subfloors. We will work meticulously through your home to make sure each area is repaired to your satisfaction and to ensure the safety of your family.

You deserve to recover faster after a flood. Call SERVPRO of Renton right away. 

Discover a Sewage Leak? Here’s What to Do | SERVPRO of Renton

12/22/2023 (Permalink)

sewage damage in basement caused by sanitary drain. Has a sewage leak recently happened in your home? SERVPRO of Renton has a team of professionals who can help. Call us today!

Have you ever had a typical day ruined by the discovery of something unpleasant in your home? No one wants to be surprised by home damage, but especially if the situation leaves you with a smelly mess or a potentially unsafe situation.

Sewage leaks are always concerning and should be handled quickly by professionals. That’s where SERVPRO of Renton comes in! In addition to offering high-quality restoration services, our crew is also trained in the proper cleanup and repair process for sewage leaks.

Different Levels of Water

Water leaks can happen anywhere on your property, but they aren’t always a cause for concern. It all depends on the type of water that leaked!

White water is the kind of water that flows out of your sinks and faucets and is generally safe to drink and handle. Gray water is the wastewater created after doing things like brushing your teeth or running a load of laundry. It has the potential to make you sick or experience GI discomfort if ingested.

Black water is the type of water that you have to be really careful around. Black water is dangerous because it has been contaminated with toxic substances. Bloodborne pathogens, chemicals and sewage can get into water and can be deadly if ingested if improperly handled.

What to Do First

Your first reaction will probably be one of disgust as you pinch your nose and assess the situation. Afterward, you might want to jump in to start cleaning up immediately. Don’t do that! We want you to back away and call us instead.

What you can do while you wait for us to show up is locate the water valve that is controlling the flow of sewage water and shut it off. That can at least stop the problem from getting worse. After that, quarantine the area and keep people and pets out of the space until we get there.

How the Restoration Process Works

We know how important a quick response is when it comes to sewage leaks, which is why we prioritize your situation as soon as you call us. We will get right to work to contain the area and discover the source of the leak.

While some of our team works on the repairs, the rest of us will don safety gear and start removing the sewage. We will also employ our deodorizers to make sure all of the sewage odor is removed from your home.

Let us handle your mess! Our team has the right tools and protective gear to stay safe while we work, and we have the training to make sure your situation is remedied quickly and thoroughly.

Always call the professionals at SERVPRO of Renton for your sewage cleanup needs. Contact us today.

The Reality of a Mold Infestation | SERVPRO of Renton

12/22/2023 (Permalink)

Black mold buildup in the corner of an old house. Has a mold buildup invaded your home? Call SERVPRO of Renton Today. We want to help!

Every home across the country is vulnerable to potential mold infestations, even if you think your home is always clean and never in any danger of moisture issues. Mold can be really persistent and grow when you least expect it.

If you do discover a mold infestation, chances are that you will react with disgust and immediately get to work to clean it up and remove it from your home. Unfortunately, it’s not that easy! Calling a mold remediation professional can ensure you make a complete recovery while everyone stays safe.

Facts About Mold

Mold spores are everywhere, both inside and outside your home. They are microscopic and float through the air constantly, getting in and out of your home through open windows and doors or through your HVAC system.

While it may be surprising to know that you most likely have mold spores in your home right now, it doesn’t mean that you will suffer from a mold infestation.

Mold has to be exposed to the right conditions for an infestation to occur. It loves to grow in dark, damp places, so spaces like your basement and attic are common locations for colonies to grow.

Mold can also have a variety of textures and colors, but it often all smells the same. If you catch a whiff of an earthy or musty odor in your home in a particular area, it’s time to start going on a hunt for mold.

Lowering Your Risk for Mold  

The key to a mold-free home is all about moisture control! If there is no excess moisture in your home, mold will have a lot harder time settling in and growing. Keep your fans circulating in high humidity areas like kitchens and bathrooms, and make sure the humidity levels in your home are under control. It is recommended to keep humidity between 30 to 50% for optimal comfort and minimal moisture troubles.

You also need to address water leaks quickly. The longer water sits in a place where it shouldn’t, the higher the risk that mold will start to grow in the area. Even just a few drops of water that get under your floor can linger and encourage a mold infestation just beneath your feet.

How We Take Care of the Mold
Some mold mitigation companies will claim that they can “remove the mold” for you, but unfortunately, that is a fallacy. Since mold spores are everywhere, you can’t completely remove mold from a space.

What you can do, however, is clean and sanitize the entire area to get rid of the infestation and ensure that it cannot grow back.

Our mold mitigation team will arrive quickly and start by containing the area. We will shut off fans, turn off your HVAC system and start filtering the air. We will also work on cleaning up and sanitizing the space with the proper safety gear and training. We can also employ our deodorizers at this time to help remove any lingering musty odors.

Finally, if the mold has been left to grow for a while, you may also be dealing with significant structural damage. Mold can slowly degrade floors and other structural supports, and this type of damage needs to be addressed right away so you can live comfortably and safely in your home. Our team can tackle all of this damage and more! Let us help you overcome a pesky mold infestation.

Don’t let a mold infestation take over your home! Call SERVPRO of Renton Central for a faster and more efficient recovery

Safe and Sound in Renton, WA: 5 Tips to Prevent House Fires This Thanksgiving

11/6/2023 (Permalink)

Thanksgiving Pie and table setting Thanksgiving is a time for joy and togetherness, but it's also essential to prioritize safety to protect your home and loved ones.

Thanksgiving is a time for gathering with loved ones, sharing gratitude, and enjoying a delicious feast. However, it's also a time when house fires are more common due to the increased use of stoves, ovens, and various cooking appliances. In Renton, WA, where the weather can be rainy and cold during the holiday season, it's essential to be aware of fire safety measures to protect your home and family. Here are five crucial tips to help prevent house fires this Thanksgiving.

  1. Keep Your Kitchen Safe and Organized: The kitchen is the heart of Thanksgiving preparations, but it's also a hotbed for potential fire hazards. To keep your kitchen safe:

    • Never leave cooking food unattended, especially when using the stove or oven.
    • Clear the area around cooking appliances of flammable items like towels, paper, and pot holders.
    • Use a timer to remind you when dishes are ready, reducing the risk of overcooking.
  2. Maintain Your Appliances: Before embarking on your Thanksgiving cooking marathon, make sure your appliances are in good working condition:

    • Check for frayed cords, loose plugs, or damaged outlets and replace them as needed.
    • Clean your oven and stovetop to prevent grease buildup, which can ignite if left unattended.
    • Ensure your smoke detectors are functioning correctly and replace the batteries if necessary.
  3. Be Cautious with Candles and Decorations: Candles and festive decorations can add warmth and charm to your Thanksgiving celebration, but they also pose fire risks:

    • Keep candles away from flammable materials, and never leave them unattended.
    • Use battery-operated candles or LED lights as a safer alternative to open flames.
    • Be mindful of where you place decorations to prevent them from coming into contact with heat sources.
  4. Practice Safe Turkey Frying: If you plan to deep-fry your Thanksgiving turkey, follow these safety tips to avoid accidents:

    • Set up the fryer outdoors on a flat, stable surface, away from structures and overhanging branches.
    • Ensure the turkey is completely thawed and dry before lowering it into the hot oil to prevent splattering.
    • Have a fire extinguisher nearby and ready to use in case of an oil fire.
  5. Have an Emergency Plan: In case a fire does break out, it's crucial to be prepared and have an emergency plan in place:

    • Establish a clear escape plan with designated meeting points for your family.
    • Teach your family members how to use a fire extinguisher and when to call 911.
    • Know how to shut off utilities like gas and electricity in case of an emergency.

Thanksgiving is a time for joy and togetherness, but it's also essential to prioritize safety to protect your home and loved ones. By following these five tips, residents in Renton, WA, can significantly reduce the risk of house fires during the holiday season. Keep these precautions in mind, and you can enjoy a safe and memorable Thanksgiving with peace of mind.

A Bewitching Guide to Hauntingly Good Fire Safety this Halloween

9/20/2023 (Permalink)

trick or treaters visiting a home This Halloween, let's keep the magic alive while minimizing fire hazard nightmares.

Halloween is the time when ghosts, goblins, and witches come out to play, but it's no time to gamble with fire safety. As you prepare for a spooktacular Halloween filled with tricks and treats, let's brew up a cauldron of fire safety tips to keep your haunted home and family safe. And if you ever find your home damaged by a fiery fright, don't forget to summon SERVPRO for fire damage restoration services. These fire safety tips are from the Washington State Patrol and the National Fire Protection Agency.

  1. Enchanting Costume Choices

When picking out costumes for your little monsters, go for ones made from "flame-resistant" or "flame-retardant" materials. These magical fabrics will resist burning and disappear in a puff of smoke if they catch fire. Steer clear of costumes with long, flowing fabric – they're more trouble than they're worth and could turn into a real hot mess.

  1. Illuminate the Night Without a Spell

For some eerie ambiance, give your trick-or-treaters flashlights or enchanting glow sticks. These will light up the night and make your little witches and wizards visible to passing spirits. If their costumes include masks, make sure they've got eyes big enough to see through – we don't want any little monsters stumbling around in the dark!

  1. Cast Fire Safety Spells on Decorations

Decorations are the spellbinding secret to a truly magical Halloween. However, beware of their fiery tricks. Here's how to keep things bewitchingly safe:

  • Illuminate your jack-o'-lanterns with mystical glow sticks or battery-operated candles.
  • Keep your Halloween decorations far away from open flames and heat sources like wickedly hot light bulbs and heaters.
  • If you must use real candles in your decorations, watch over them like a hawk and extinguish them before you step away.
  1. Know Your Escape Plan - It's a Lifesaver

Whether you're throwing a ghostly gathering or trick-or-treating in a new, unfamiliar neighborhood, knowing your escape plan is like having a trusty spellbook. Be aware of exit routes, fire extinguisher locations, and emergency procedures in any new or eerie surroundings.

  1. Unearth the Alarming Stats

To put the spook into perspective, here are some chilling statistics from the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA):

  • From 2015–2019, an average of 790 home structure fires began with decorations each year.
  • These fires caused one civilian fire death, 26 civilian fire injuries, and $13 million in property damage each year.
  • Over 44% of these fires started because decorations got too close with heat sources like candles.
  • More than a third (35%) of these fires were ignited by candles.

This Halloween, let's keep the magic alive while minimizing fire hazard nightmares. And remember, SERVPRO is here to lend a hand if a fire incident sends shivers down your spine. Have a fang-tastic, spellbinding, and hauntingly safe Halloween!

2 Types Of Fire Safety Equipment For Residential Homes

7/7/2023 (Permalink)

fire alarm Having safety equipment on-hand for fires is key.

A fire outbreak is one of the most terrifying situations that can occur within the confines of our homes. Here are 2 types of safety equipment that every home should have in case of a fire, although there are many more types all homeowners should consider investing in.

Smoke Alarms

Smoke alarms are the first line of defense against fires and are an absolute necessity in every home. These small devices are designed to detect smoke and trigger an alarm, alerting occupants to the presence of a fire. Early detection is crucial as it allows for immediate action, such as evacuating the premises and calling emergency services. Install smoke alarms in each bedroom, on every level of your home, and near common areas like the kitchen. Regularly test and maintain them to ensure they are functioning correctly, replacing batteries as needed. Remember, a working smoke alarm can significantly reduce the risk of injury or fatalities in a fire incident.

Fire Extinguishers

Having a fire extinguisher readily available in your home can help you combat small fires and prevent them from spreading. Fire extinguishers are designed to douse flames by releasing fire-retardant chemicals or suppressants. There are different types of fire extinguishers, so it's essential to choose one suitable for your specific needs. The most common type is the ABC extinguisher, which is effective against fires involving ordinary combustibles, flammable liquids, and electrical equipment. Place fire extinguishers in easily accessible locations, such as the kitchen, garage, and near potential fire hazards. Ensure that everyone in your household knows how to operate the extinguisher and understands when it is safe to do so.

Protecting your home and loved ones from the devastating effects of a fire requires proactive preparation and equipping your home with the right safety equipment. Smoke alarms serve as early warning systems, providing critical time for evacuation. Fire extinguishers empower you to tackle small fires effectively and prevent them from escalating. By having these essential safety items in your home, you are better prepared to respond to fire emergencies and safeguard your family and property. Remember, investing in fire safety equipment is an investment in peace of mind and protection for your most cherished belongings—your loved ones and your home.

5 Ways To Be Prepared For A House Fire

6/30/2023 (Permalink)

paperwork Make sure your important documents are accessible in the event of a fire, even if the hard copies are inaccessible.

House fires are unfortunate and traumatizing events that can occur unexpectedly and pose significant risks to both life and property. Being prepared is crucial, and having essential items readily available can make a difference in minimizing damage and maximizing safety during such emergencies.

Smoke Detectors and Fire Alarms

The first line of defense in any fire emergency is early detection. Install smoke detectors and fire alarms in key areas of your home, such as bedrooms, hallways, and living areas. Regularly test and maintain these devices to ensure they are functioning properly. Smoke detectors can provide the early warning needed to escape a fire before it spreads, giving you and your loved ones valuable time to evacuate safely.

Fire Extinguishers

Having fire extinguishers strategically placed throughout your home can significantly aid in containing small fires and preventing them from escalating into larger, more dangerous ones. Invest in multipurpose fire extinguishers that are suitable for extinguishing various types of fires, such as those caused by flammable liquids, grease, electrical equipment, and ordinary combustibles. Remember to educate yourself and your family members about the proper use of fire extinguishers.

Fire Escape Plan and Emergency Routes

Establishing a well-thought-out fire escape plan is essential for the safety of your household. Create a detailed plan that includes multiple evacuation routes from different areas of your home. Designate a meeting point outside your house where everyone can gather after safely escaping. Regularly practice the escape plan with all family members, especially children, to ensure that everyone knows what to do and where to go in the event of a fire.

Emergency Ladders or Rope

If you live in a multi-story home or apartment building, consider investing in emergency ladders or ropes. These can be essential for evacuating from upper floors if the stairwells are blocked or inaccessible due to fire. Choose ladders or ropes that are sturdy, easy to deploy, and can support the weight of all family members. Ensure that everyone knows how to properly use them and practice using them during fire drills.

Important Documents

It is crucial to keep important documents, such as insurance policies in an accessible location. Consider storing them in a secure off-site or digital location.

Taking proactive steps to prepare for a fire can make a significant difference in minimizing damage and ensuring the safety of your household. By equipping your home with smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, and emergency escape plans, you enhance your readiness to face fire emergencies. Additionally, having emergency ladders or ropes and keeping important documents and an emergency kit easily accessible will further contribute to your overall preparedness. Remember, being prepared is the key to protecting yourself, your loved ones, and your home from the devastating effects of a fire.